聲景導聆 :
Camping in the low altitude mountains of Northern Taiwan, one can often hear a very strange sound resonating in the forests. This metallic sound can be heard only in this island, since it is the chorus of one of the endemic cicada species of Taiwan. It is always fascinating to realize how small are the insect that produce such a loud sound. And of course, because of their camouflage color patterns they are very difficult to spot with the eyes. So, while visiting natural habitats, we should always keep our ears wide open.
錄音師: 澎葉生
錄音機: Sound Devices 722
麥克風 : two Sennheiser MKH40

Tanna sozanensis
♪ (00:00)
臺灣特有種,本種體色為綠色及暗褐色,身體有金色鱗毛分佈於頭胸部及銀色鱗毛分佈於腹部。每年 6 月- 7 月間在山上的步道上很容易就可以聽到他們的聲音及看到蹤影。他們喜歡在黎明、黃昏及幽暗的森林內鳴唱。鳴聲主要是雄蟬召喚雌蟬過來進行交尾。